Changes to Membership Our membership is changing for 2023. Membership fees have stayed the same for a very long time and it’s got to the point where the price doesn’t actually cover the cost of printing and postage anymore! Despite this we are eager to keep the price as affordable as possible. We are also always thinking of ways that we can reduce our impact on the environment. With both these hats on we think we have come up with a solution!We are putting up our fees for the traditional postal membership by $10 a year but at the same time we are introducing a new ‘E-Membership’ that will remain at the current price of $15 a year for an individual / $25 for a family. The new proposed rates are: E-Membership $15 Individual / $25 Family / $200 LifeWith this option you won’t be posted a copy of the programme and newsletter in advance of each term. Instead, you will receive a quarterly email with the newsletter and a link to view the programme online. You will be welcome to collect a paper copy of the programme from the foyer and all other membership entitlements ($2 discount on each course, member only events, AGM voting etc) remain unchanged. Postal-Membership $25 Individual / $35 Family / $300 LifeWith this option we will post you the newsletter and programme before the start of each term. All other membership entitlements remain unchanged. Existing Life and 2023 membersIf you have been extremely organised and already paid for your 2023 membership – well lucky you, we will automatically put you on the Postal membership rate for the year unless you instruct us otherwise! Similarly, all existing Life members and Honorary Life Members will automatically be given Postal-Membership unless you instruct us to the contrary. Members not on e-mailAs detailed above, if you genuinely do not have access to email but are happy to pop into the office to collect your programme – talk to us. We don’t want cost to be a barrier to membership so can give you an option of staying at the $15 rate and collecting a printout of the E-membership email. Thank you for supporting your WEA as a member, we hope you understand why we need to make these changes. If you choose an e-membership for 2023 you can do so happy in the knowledge that you are helping us to lower our carbon footprint, as well as saving paper, time and money! October 31st, 2022 News