
Monday 17th February, 6-8.30pm,

Sold out

2 hours, 30 minutes, 06:00 PM - 08:30 PM

  • 59 Gloucester Street
  • CBD
  • Christchurch
  • 2021
  • 8011
  • New Zealand
  • with Life Membership discount $31.00 incl. GST
  • With Membership discount $31.00 incl. GST
  • $33.00 incl. GST
Event is fullJoin waiting list


Fragrant and delicious – join Bahija as she shares her love, and passion for food from Marrocco. The Share Kai Cooks Collective is made up of former refugee and migrant women who are passionate cooks and love to share their culture through food. At this cooking demonstration Bahija from the Share Kai Cooks Collective will share her recipes for a delicious traditional meal. This demo style session will be a chance to connect and hear stories as well as learn how to make this delicious food. The session will conclude with a shared meal of the dishes prepared during the evening. Please ensure you let us know of any food allergies a minimum of 1 week ahead of the course date, by emailing