
Saturday 22nd February, 1.30 - 5pm

Sold out

3 hours, 30 minutes, 01:30 PM - 05:00 PM

  • 59 Gloucester Street
  • CBD
  • Christchurch
  • 2021
  • 8011
  • New Zealand
  • With Membership discount $33.00 incl. GST
  • with Life Membership discount $33.00 incl. GST
  • $35.00 incl. GST
Event is fullJoin waiting list


We will be preparing our infusions, in oil phase and aqueous phase (water based) solutions. This is to infuse reputed healing properties from the plant matter into our ingredients. Other NZ ingredients to feature in our cream include Beeswax, Olive oil and Lavender Essential oil (optional). We will be using a plant-derived commercial preservative, which will give you a minimum of 3 months to use up your 50g pot of cream. Everything is supplied in this class except for a 50g capacity pot. Jo encourages you to reuse an old one if you can. If you cannot bring one along, she will have them available to purchase for $3. Kawa kawa has been utilised by Tangata Whenua in traditional medicine, Rongoā and studies have found it to be rich in compounds known for anti-inflammatory and pain-killing properties. Calendula is thought to assist with wound healing and to soothe irritated and dry skin.


Please note that there will be some down time while we wait for our oils and waxes to melt, so Jo will bring along some published material on these herbs for an informal chat over tea and coffee. Jo is a passionate plant-based skincare maker, mum, and enthusiastic packaging waste reducer. She has been creating skincare for the last 11 years in Otautahi, and wants to share some simple personal care and cosmetic recipes with you.