
Starts 14th February, 10-11.30pm,


2 weeks, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

CWEA, Christchurch

Session information


Session 1
10:00 - 11:30
1 hour, 30 minutes
CWEA, Christchurch
    Session 2
    10:00 - 11:30
    1 hour, 30 minutes
    CWEA, Christchurch
      • With Membership discount $18.00 incl. GST
      • with Life Membership discount $18.00 incl. GST
      • $20.00 incl. GST


      Simon presents this fun exploration through discoveries in science – from the most recent to the historic. Hardly a week goes by without some remarkable scientific discovery being announced to the world. Discoveries in science remind us what an amazing world we live in. Join us each term for a continuation of this two-part mini-series. Simon will share with you some of the most fascinating discoveries in science and what they mean for our future. Each term will focus on different discoveries – so join Simon every term and continue to be amazed.